Locul celor care caută informații.

Politica de cookie-uri

Ultima actualizare: 29 aprilie 2024

This Cookies Policy explains what Cookies are and how We use them. You should read this policy so You can understand what type of cookies We use, or the information We collect using Cookies and how that information is used. This Cookies Policy has been created with the help of the Cookies Policy Generator.

Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about You may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from Cookies. For further information on how We use, store and keep your personal data secure, see our Privacy Policy.

We do not store sensitive personal information, such as mailing addresses, account passwords, etc. in the Cookies We use.

Interpretare și definiții


Cuvintele a căror litera inițială este scrisă cu majuscule au semnificații definite în următoarele condiții. Următoarele definiții vor avea același înțeles, indiferent dacă apar la singular sau la plural.


For the purposes of this Cookies Policy:

  • Companie (referred to as either “the Company”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” in this Cookies Policy) refers to Open Journal Themes, Pedro Almeida Souza, South Radio and Television Sector Q 701 Conjunto D, LOT 5, Brasília – DF, 70340-907.
  • Cookie-uri means small files that are placed on Your computer, mobile device or any other device by a website, containing details of your browsing history on that website among its many uses.
  • Site-ul web se referă la Open Journal Themes, accesibil din https://openjournalthemes.com/
  • Tu means the individual accessing or using the Website, or a company, or any legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Website, as applicable.

The use of the Cookies

Google Policies

For more information on how Google uses data from sites that use Google AdSense, please refer to the Google Partner Policies.

Type of Cookies We Use

Cookies can be “Persistent” or “Session” Cookies. Persistent Cookies remain on your personal computer or mobile device when You go offline, while Session Cookies are deleted as soon as You close your web browser.

We use both session and persistent Cookies for the purposes set out below:

  • Cookie-uri necesare/esențiale

    Tip: Cookie-uri de sesiune

    Administrat de: Noi

    Scop: Aceste cookie-uri sunt esențiale pentru a vă oferi servicii disponibile prin intermediul site-ului web și pentru a vă permite să utilizați unele dintre caracteristicile acestuia. Acestea ajută la autentificarea utilizatorilor și la prevenirea utilizării frauduloase a conturilor de utilizator. Fără aceste module cookie, serviciile pe care le-ați solicitat nu pot fi furnizate, iar noi folosim aceste module cookie doar pentru a vă oferi acele servicii.

  • Cookie-uri de funcționalitate

    Tip: Cookie-uri persistente

    Administrat de: Noi

    Scop: Aceste module cookie ne permit să ne amintim alegerile pe care le faceți atunci când utilizați site-ul web, cum ar fi amintirea detaliilor dvs. de conectare sau preferința de limbă. Scopul acestor cookie-uri este de a vă oferi o experiență mai personală și de a evita să fiți nevoit să vă reintroduceți preferințele de fiecare dată când utilizați site-ul web.

Your Choices Regarding Cookies

If You prefer to avoid the use of Cookies on the Website, first You must disable the use of Cookies in your browser and then delete the Cookies saved in your browser associated with this website. You may use this option for preventing the use of Cookies at any time.

If You do not accept Our Cookies, You may experience some inconvenience in your use of the Website and some features may not function properly.

If You’d like to delete Cookies or instruct your web browser to delete or refuse Cookies, please visit the help pages of your web browser.

For any other web browser, please visit your web browser’s official web pages.

More Information about Cookies

You can learn more about cookies here: All About Cookies by TermsFeed.


If you have any questions about this Cookies Policy, You can contact us:
